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Structure and Semantics

Accessibility Techniques for Page Title
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Markup Correct markup: The page <title> MUST be present and MUST contain text. Required WCAG 2.4.2
Meaningful Text Accurate and informative: The page <title> MUST be accurate and informative. Required WCAG 2.4.2
Dynamic pages: The page <title> of dynamic pages (e.g. in single page apps) MUST be updated when the purpose of the page changes. Required WCAG 2.4.2
User Actions: If a page is the result of a user action or scripted change of context, the text of the <title> SHOULD describe the result or change of context to the user. Best Practice
Concise: The <title> SHOULD be concise. Best Practice
Unique: The page <title> SHOULD be unique, if possible. Best Practice
Unique info first: Unique information SHOULD come first in the <title>. Best Practice
Match heading: The page <title> SHOULD match (or be very similar to) the top heading (ideally marked as <h1>) in the main content. Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for Page Language
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Page Language Page Language: The primary language of the page MUST be identified accurately, using a standard language code, on the <html> element (e.g. <html lang="en"> or <html lang="fr">). Required WCAG 3.1.1
Language of Parts Language of Parts: Inline language changes MUST be identified with a valid lang attribute. Required WCAG 3.1.2
Language Code Two-character language code: The language code SHOULD be designated with a standard two-character ISO 639-1 code (e.g. lang="en") to achieve maximum support across screen readers and browsers, though other codes (e.g. lang="en-us") are technically allowable. Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for Headings
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Headings to Bypass Blocks of Content Bypass blocks: Screen readers allow users to navigate by headings, so headings are an effective way to bypass blocks of content, as required by WCAG 2.4.1. Note: Headings are not absolutely required by WCAG to pass 2.4.1, but are highly recommended, along with landmarks and skip links. Required WCAG 2.4.1
Meaningful Text Accurate, informative section labels: Headings MUST be accurate and informative, as labels for the sections of text they describe. Required WCAG 1.3.1
WCAG 2.4.6
Brevity: Heading text SHOULD be concise and relatively brief. Best Practice
Heading Markup Use real headings: Text that acts as a heading visually or structurally SHOULD be designated as a true heading (<h1>, <h2>, etc.) in the markup. Best Practice
Heading Markup for Headings Only: Text that does not act as a heading visually or structurally SHOULD NOT be marked as a heading.
Best Practice
Outline/Hierarchy of Content

Content outline: Headings SHOULD convey a clear and accurate structural outline of the sections of content of a web page.

Best Practice
Consecutive levels: Headings SHOULD NOT skip hierarchical levels. Best Practice
First heading in the main content: The beginning of the main content SHOULD start with <h1>. Best Practice
One <h1>: Most web pages SHOULD have only one <h1>. Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for Landmarks
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Landmarks to Bypass Blocks of Content Bypass blocks: Screen readers allow users to navigate by landmarks, so landmarks are an effective way to bypass blocks of content, as required by WCAG 2.4.1. Other methods may be used as well as — or instead of — landmarks, such as skip links, headings, expand/collapse regions, etc. Required WCAG 2.4.1
Landmark Structural Organization Page layout groupings: Landmarks SHOULD be used to accurately designate pre-defined parts of the layout (e.g. the header, navigation, main content, and footer). Best Practice
Content within landmarks: All text SHOULD be contained within a landmark region. Best Practice
Landmark names: Multiple instances of the same type of landmark SHOULD be distinguishable by different discernible names (using aria-label or aria-labelledby). Best Practice
Only one instance of some landmarks: A page SHOULD NOT contain more than one instance of each of the following landmarks: header/banner, main, and footer/contentinfo. Best Practice
Limit the number of landmarks: The total number of landmarks SHOULD be minimized to the extent appropriate for the content. Note: Having a large number of landmarks defeats the main purpose of landmarks, which is to make it easy to navigate quickly to sections of the layout. Best Practice
Markup Markup: Landmarks MAY be designated with either HTML tags or their equivalent ARIA roles (e.g. <header> or role="banner", <nav> or role="navigation", <main> or role="main", <footer> or role="contentinfo", etc.). Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for Lists
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Markup List markup: Lists MUST be constructed using the appropriate semantic markup (i.e. <ul> or <ol> with <li> child elements, or <dl> with <dt> and <dd> child elements). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Accessibility Techniques for Tables
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Table Headers Header tag: Table headers MUST be designated with <th>. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Meaningful header: Data table header text MUST accurately describe the category of the corresponding data cells. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Header and data cell associations: Table data cells MUST be associated with their corresponding header cells.
Note: Use of scope (<th scope="col"> and <th scope="row">) is highly recommended, though not always necessary (i.e. if all cells in the first row are marked as <th> without scope, most modern screen readers will infer that the scope is the column below each header cell).
Required WCAG 1.3.1
Group header associations: Table data group headers (if any) MUST be associated with their corresponding data cell groups (e.g. via scope="rowgroup" or scope="colgroup"). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Complex header associations: Header/data associations that cannot be designated with <th> and scope MUST be designated with the headers and id attributes. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Nested or split tables: Data table headers and data associations MUST NOT be referenced across nested, merged, or separate tables. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Tabular Data Tables: Tabular data SHOULD be represented in a <table>.
Note: Even if the data are not represented in a table, WCAG 1.3.1 requires the data to be associated with their labels.
Best Practice
Caption Caption: Data tables SHOULD have a programmatically-associated <caption> or name (e.g. via aria-label or aria-labelledby).
Note: In most circumstances, <caption> is preferred, because it is the native method of giving a name to a table, and the <caption> is visible and available to all users by default.
Best Practice
Meaningful caption: The name or <caption> of a data table SHOULD describe the identity or purpose of the table accurately, meaningfully, and succinctly. Best Practice
Unique caption: The name or <caption> of each data table SHOULD be unique within the context of other tables on the same page. Best Practice
Layout Tables Avoid layout tables: Tables SHOULD NOT be used for the purpose of purely visual (non-data) layout. Best Practice
Avoid headers in layout tables: Layout tables MUST NOT contain headers. Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for iframe
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
iframe title attribute Meaningful iframe title attribute: The iframe title attribute (on the parent page) MUST be accurate and descriptive. Required WCAG 2.4.1
Unique title attributes: Every iframe SHOULD have a unique title (in the context of the page). Best Practice
Hidden or empty iframes: Hidden frames or frames that do not convey content to users SHOULD be hidden from assistive technologies using aria-hidden="true". Best Practice
Page <title> of Embedded Page Page title of embedded page: The source page of an iframe (the page embedded in the iframe) MUST have a valid, meaningful <title>. Required WCAG 2.4.2
Accessibility Techniques for Markup Validity
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Unique Identifiers Unique IDs: IDs MUST be unique within a web page. Required WCAG 4.1.1
Unique Names: The "accessible names" of elements, when provided, of block level elements (e.g. landmarks, tables, iframes, etc.) SHOULD be unique within a web page.
Note: The accessible name is determined by attributes or elements such as aria-label, aria-labelledby, alt, <caption>, etc. Refer to the Accessible Name and Description Computation for details.
Best Practice
One Attribute Instance: Elements MUST NOT contain more than one instance of the same attribute. Required WCAG 4.1.1
Well Formed Closing Tags: Elements must not be missing closing tags.
DIV or P element must not be nested within a LABEL element.
Element must not contain duplicate attributes.
Required WCAG 4.1.1
Nesting and Relationships Parent-Child Relationships: Markup MUST adhere to required parent-child relationships of elements and attributes. Required WCAG 4.1.1
ARIA relationships: ARIA relationships (e.g. parent-child, aria-owns, etc.) SHOULD adhere to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices Required WCAG 4.1.1
Deprecated Markup Deprecated Markup should not be used. Best Practice
Accessibility Techniques for Semantics
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Headings See the requirements for headings. Required Multiple
Landmarks See the requirements for landmarks. Required Multiple
Lists See the requirements for lists. Required Multiple
Tables See the requirements for tables. Required Multiple
Emphasis and Highlighting Emphasis: Critical emphasis in the text SHOULD be conveyed in a text-based format, not visual styling alone. Best Practice
Highlighting markup: Highlighted text SHOULD be marked with the <mark> element. Best Practice
Text-based highlighting: Critical highlighted text SHOULD be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the highlighting. Best Practice
Quotations Blockquote: The <blockquote> element SHOULD be used to designate long (block level) quotations. Best Practice
Indentation: The <blockquote> element SHOULD NOT be used for visual styling (indentation) alone. Best Practice
Inline quotations: The <q> element (for inline quotations) SHOULD NOT be used as the only way to designate quotations, due to poor support in screen readers and some browsers. Best Practice
Strikethrough/Delete and Insert Strikethrough markup: Strikethrough text SHOULD be marked with the <del> element. Best Practice
Strikethrough supplemental text: Critical strikethrough text MUST be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the strikethrough. Best Practice
Insert markup: Text designated for insertion SHOULD be marked with the <ins> element. Best Practice
Insert supplemental text: Critical text designated for insertion MUST be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the insertion. Best Practice

Links and Navigation

Accessibility Techniques for Links
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Semantic Markup and Purpose Link markup: Links MUST be semantically designated as such.
  • Note: Ideally this means using an <a> element with a valid href value. In rare problematic cases, setting role="link" (and adding all other aspects of link functionality) may be acceptable.
Required WCAG 4.1.2
Links versus buttons: Links SHOULD be used only for actions that take the user to other locations, and SHOULD NOT be used for button-like functionality.
Note 1: "Other locations" means other web pages, or to other locations in the same web page. Typically, the URL will change after activating a link.
  • Note 2: "Button-like functionality" means scripted features, including submitting forms.
Best Practice  
Distinguishable link purpose: The purpose of each link MUST be understandable and distinguishable from other links on the same page, either from the link text alone (ideally), or from the immediate surrounding context of the link.
Required WCAG 2.4.4
Avoid "link" (or similar) in the link text: The link text SHOULD NOT state its semantic role (e.g. don't say "link to..."), because screen readers already state the role before reading the link text.
Best Practice  
Consistent link text across pages: Links to the same destinations MUST be consistently identified with the same (or very similar) link text across all pages of the site.
Required WCAG 3.2.4
Links opening in new tab or window: A link that opens in a new window or tab SHOULD indicate that it opens in a new window or tab.
Best Practice  
Links to non-HTML files: A link to a file or destination in a non-HTML format (e.g. MS Word, PDF, plain text, etc.) SHOULD indicate the type of file or destination.
Best Practice  
Links to external sites: A link to an external site MAY indicate that it leads to an external site.
Best Practice  
Keyboard Accessibility
Keyboard-focusable: Links MUST be keyboard-focusable.
Required WCAG 2.1.1
Keyboard activation: Links MUST activate with the enter/return key.
Required WCAG 2.1.1
Focus Order
Focus order: The navigation order of focusable elements (links, form elements, etc.) MUST be logical and intuitive.
Required WCAG 2.4.3
Tabindex: The tabindex attribute SHOULD NOT be used with positive values to customize the tab order (e.g. don't use tabindex="1").
Best Practice  
Link Colors, Contrast, and Styles
Links visually distinguishable from non-links: Links MUST be visually distinguishable from surrounding non-link text.
Required WCAG 1.4.1
Color as a way to visually distinguish links: Color alone MUST NOT be used as the only way to distinguish links from surrounding text unless the color contrast between the link and the surrounding text is at least 3:1 and an additional differentiation (e.g. underline, outline, etc.) is provided when the link is hovered or receives focus.
Required WCAG 1.4.1
Link contrast: Links MUST have a contrast ratio of 4.5:1 (for small text) or 3:1 (for large text) against their background.
Required WCAG 1.4.3
Target Size
Target size: Links SHOULD measure a minimum of 44px by 44px.
Note: Inline links in paragraphs or blocks of text MAY be smaller.
Best Practice
Visual Focus Indicator
Focus indicator: All links MUST show a visual focus indicator when in focus.
Required WCAG 2.4.7
Enhanced focus indicator: Links MAY have enhanced visual focus indicator styles.
Best Practice  
Small focus indicators: The contrast of all small visual focus indicators (smaller than 3px by 3px) against the background SHOULD be at least 4.5 to 1.
Best Practice  
Large focus indicators: The contrast of all large visual focus indicators (at least 3px by 3px) against the background SHOULD be at least 3 to 1.

Best Practice  
Visual Hover Indicator
Enhanced hover indicator: Links SHOULD have enhanced visual hover indicator styles.
Best Practice  
Hover cursor style: On hover over a link, the mouse cursor SHOULD appear as the pointer style, to provide a visual confirmation of the link role.
  • Note: On most browsers, the pointer style is represented by an icon of a hand with the index finger pointing forward.
Best Practice  
In-Page Navigation
Skip navigation: A keyboard-functional "skip" link SHOULD be provided to allow keyboard users to navigate directly to the main content.
  • Note 1: The "skip" link SHOULD be the first focusable element on the page.
  • Note 2: The "skip" link MUST be either visible at all times or visible on keyboard focus.
  • Note 3: "Skip" links, landmarks (e.g. <nav>, <main>, etc.), and page table of contents are each valid and sufficient methods to satisfy the WCAG 2.4.1 requirement to allow users to bypass blocks of content. Ideally the design would include all of these techniques, where appropriate.
Required WCAG 2.4.1 *
Page table of contents: A table of contents for the page MAY be included at the top of the content or in the header.
  • Note: Ideally, the links in the table of contents SHOULD correspond to the heading structure in the page content.
Required WCAG 2.4.1 *
Accessibility Techniques for Consistent Identification and Navigation Patterns
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Consistent Identification: Elements such as labels, names, and text alternatives for content that have the same functionality across multiple screens must be consistently identified. Required WCAG 3.2.4
Accessibility Techniques for Within-Page Navigation
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Methods to Bypass Blocks of Content Bypass blocks: A method MUST exist to bypass repeated blocks of content. Possible techniques applicable to almost all pages include skip links, headings, and landmarks. It's best to use all of these techniques, if possible. Other techniques include page-specific table of contents links and expandable/collapsible regions. Required WCAG 2.4.1
Reading/Focus Order Reading Order: The reading and navigation order MUST be logical and intuitive. Required WCAG 1.3.2
Focus Order: The navigation order of focusable elements MUST be logical and intuitive. Required WCAG 2.4.3
Paginated Views Visual "you are here" indicator: A paginated view SHOULD include a visible method of informing users which view is the currently active/visible view. Best Practice  
Non-visual "you are here" indicator: A paginated view SHOULD include a method available to assistive technologies of informing non-visual users which view is the currently active/visible view. Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Reading Order/Focus Order
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Reading Order Reading Order: The reading order MUST be logical and intuitive.
Note: The default reading order is determined by the order of the elements in the DOM.
Required WCAG 1.3.2
Focus Order Focus Order: The navigation order of focusable elements MUST be logical and intuitive.
Note 1: Focusable elements include links, form inputs and controls, buttons, and any element with a tabindex value of 0 or greater.
Note 2: The default reading order is determined by the order of the focusable elements in the DOM.
Note 3: Use the tab key to navigate forward through focusable elements, and shift + tab to navigate backward.
Required WCAG 2.4.3
Tabindex Positive values: A tabindex of positive values (e.g. tabindex="1", tabindex="2", etc.) SHOULD NOT be used, because the result is almost always an illogical reading and/or tab order. Best Practice  
Zero: Use tabindex="0" to make a custom widget or control focusable, if it is not already focusable.
Note: Use natively focusable elements whenever possible (e.g. links, form inputs and controls, buttons), rather than custom controls, for simplicity in markup and implementation.
Best Practice  
Negative 1: Use tabindex="-1" to allow JavaScript to send the focus to an element, without putting it in the focus order. Best Practice  

Images and Visual Design

Accessibility Techniques for Images
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Informative Images and Active Images (e.g. links, buttons, or controls)
Alternative text: The image MUST have alternative text. Refer to the techniques for various image types:
  • images using <img>
  • active images
  • form input images
  • SVG using <img>
  • SVG using <svg>
  • HTML5 canvas
  • icon fonts
Required WCAG 1.1.1
Meaningful description: Alternative text MUST be meaningful (accurately conveying the purpose of the image, and the author's intent in a way that is useful to those who cannot see the image).
Note 1: Image links SHOULD describe the link destination.
Note 2: Button/control links SHOULD describe the purpose and/or resulting action of the button or control.
Required WCAG 1.1.1
Concise: The length of the alternative text for informative images SHOULD be concise (no more than about 250 characters). Best Practice  
Avoid restating that the element is an image: Alternative text SHOULD NOT include words that identify the element as a graphic or image (e.g. avoid phrases like "graphic of," or "image of," etc.), because screen readers already state the role (e.g. by saying "graphic" then reading the alternative text). Best Practice  
Unessential images (Purely Decorative or Redundant, and not Active) Unessential Images: Images that do not convey content, are decorative, or are redundant to content that is already conveyed in text SHOULD be given null (empty) alternative text (alt=""), ARIA role="presentation", or implemented as CSS backgrounds. Best Practice  
Complex Images Complex Images: Complex images MUST be briefly described using alt text AND MUST have a more complete extended description.
Note: It is not "wrong" to provide descriptive alternative text in these instances, but it is highly discouraged if the image is truly unessential.
Required WCAG 1.1.1
Background images Informative background images: If a background image conveys information, alternative text MUST be provided (e.g. via regular visible text, by adding role="image" and aria-label, or by other means). Required WCAG 1.1.1
Active background images: If a background image is the only "content" in an active element (e.g. a link, button, or control), the active element MUST have an accessible name (e.g. via aria-label or similar). Required WCAG 1.1.1
Color contrast of small text: Small text (under 18 point regular font or 14 point bold font) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Color contrast of large text: Large text (at or over 18 point or 14 point bold) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 3 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Unessential background images: Alternative text SHOULD NOT be provided for unessential background images. Best Practice  
Images of Text No Images of Text: An image MUST NOT include informative text if an equivalent visual presentation of the text can be rendered using real text (unless the text is essential — such as a logo — or the font, size, color, and background are customizable.). Required WCAG 1.4.5
Color contrast of small text: Small text (under 18 point regular font or 14 point bold font) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Color contrast of large text: Large text (at or over 18 point or 14 point bold) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 3 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Animated Images See the requirements for Animation, Motion, and Timed Content Required Multiple
Image CAPTCHA Alternative text: Image CAPTCHA elements MUST have alternative text describing the purpose of the image. Required WCAG 1.1.1
Sensory alternatives: Image CAPTCHA elements MUST be supplemented with at least one auditory alternative method. Required WCAG 1.1.1
Deafblind access: At least one text-based alternative SHOULD be provided that allows users who are both deaf and blind to pass the CAPTCHA.
Note: Deafblind users typically use screen readers to convert text to braille, using a refreshable braille device.
Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Color contrast and use of color
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Use of color Use of color: Any information conveyed by color MUST be accompanied by a programmatically-discernible text alternative. Required WCAG 1.4.1
Visible Alternative: Any information conveyed by color MUST be accompanied by a visible alternative (text, image, etc.) that does not depend on color for meaning. Required WCAG 1.4.1
Color Contrast

Small Text Contrast: Small text (under 18 point regular font or 14 point bold font) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1 with the background.

Note: The contrast rule also applies to images of text, even though images of text are discouraged.

Required WCAG 1.4.3

Large Text Contrast: Large text (at or over 18 point or 14 point bold) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 3 to 1 with the background.

Note: The contrast rule also applies to images of text, even though images of text are discouraged.

Required WCAG 1.4.3
UI Component Contrast: The contrast of UI control boundaries compared to adjacent areas MUST be sufficient to distinguish the UI control from the adjacent areas. Required WCAG 1.4.11 (WCAG 2.1)
Visual Focus Indicator Contrast: The contrast of all visual focus indicators against the background MUST be at least 3 to 1. Required WCAG 1.4.11 (WCAG 2.1)
High Contrast Mode Retain Visible Information: Web content SHOULD retain all essential visual information in Windows High Contrast Mode. Best Practice  
Don't Override: The design SHOULD NOT override Windows High Contrast Mode. Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Text Styles, Resize, Reflow, and Zoom
Topic Technique WCAG Requirement
Text Resize and Reflow Resize Text 200%: The page SHOULD be functional when only the text is magnified to 200% of its initial size. Required WCAG 1.4.4
Mobile Zoom: The page MUST allow users to zoom in on mobile devices (The following is NOT allowed: <meta name="viewport" content="user-scalable=no">) Required WCAG 1.4.4
One Scroll Direction Only: Content MUST NOT require scrolling in two directions (both vertically and horizontally) — even when zoomed in up to 320px wide (for vertically-scrolling content) or 256px wide (for horizontally-scrolling content) — unless both scrolling directions are essential to the usage or meaning of the content. Required WCAG 1.4.10
(WCAG 2.1)
Text in Images No Images of Text: An image MUST NOT include informative text if an equivalent visual presentation of the text can be rendered using real text (unless the text is essential — such as a logo — or the font, size, color, and background are customizable.). Required WCAG 1.4.5
Color contrast of small text: Small text (under 18 point regular font or 14 point bold font) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 4.5 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Color contrast of large text: Large text (at or over 18 point or 14 point bold) MUST have a contrast ratio of at least 3 to 1 with the background. Required WCAG 1.4.3
Text/Paragraph Styles
Full Functionality with Altered Text Styles: In content implemented using markup languages that support the following text style properties, no loss of content or functionality occurs by setting all of the following and by changing no other style property:
  • Line height (line spacing) to at least 1.5 times the font size
  • Spacing following paragraphs to at least 2 times the font size
  • Letter spacing (tracking) to at least 0.12 times the font size
  • Word spacing to at least 0.16 times the font size.
Required WCAG 1.4.12
(WCAG 2.1)
Line Spacing: Line spacing SHOULD be at least 1.5 within paragraphs. Best Practice  
Paragraph Spacing: Paragraph spacing SHOULD be at least 1.5 times larger than the line spacing. Best Practice  
Word Spacing: Word spacing SHOULD be set to at least 0.16 times the font size. Best Practice  
Letter Spacing: Letter spacing SHOULD be set to at least 0.12 times the font size. Best Practice  
Line Justification: Text SHOULD NOT be full justified. Best Practice  
Column Width: The number of characters or glyphs per line in any section or column of text SHOULD NOT exceed 80 (40 characters in Chinese, Japanese, or Korean) Best Practice  
Font Legibility: Fonts SHOULD be easily readable by sighted users. Best Practice  
Color Contrast See the requirements for Color and Contrast. Required multiple
CSS-Generated Content Avoid CSS-Generated Content: CSS-generated content SHOULD be avoided (unless it is for presentation/decorative purposes only). Best Practice  
Text Alternative for CSS-Generated Content: A text alternative for informative CSS-generated content MUST be provided, AND the CSS-generated text SHOULD be set to aria-hidden="true" Required WCAG 1.3.1
Decorative CSS-Generated Content: Decorative or redundant CSS-generated content SHOULD be set to aria-hidden="true" Best Practice  
Emphasis and Highlighting Emphasis: Critical emphasis in the text SHOULD be conveyed in a text-based format, not visual styling alone. Best Practice  
Highlighting markup: Highlighted text SHOULD be marked with the <mark> element. Best Practice  
Text-based highlighting: Critical highlighted text SHOULD be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the highlighting. Best Practice  
Quotations Blockquote: The <blockquote> element SHOULD be used to designate long (block level) quotations. Best Practice  
Indentation: The <blockquote> element SHOULD NOT be used for visual styling (indentation) alone. Best Practice  
Inline quotations: The <q> element (for inline quotations) SHOULD NOT be used as the only way to designate quotations, due to poor support in screen readers and some browsers. Best Practice  
Strikethrough/Delete and Insert Strikethrough markup: Strikethrough text SHOULD be marked with the <del> element. Best Practice  
Strikethrough supplemental text: Critical strikethrough text MUST be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the strikethrough. Best Practice  
Insert markup: Text designated for insertion SHOULD be marked with the <ins> element. Best Practice  
Insert supplemental text: Critical text designated for insertion MUST be supplemented with a text-based method to convey the meaning of the insertion. Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Visual Cues
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Visual Meaning Visual Meaning: Content MUST NOT rely solely on visual characteristics such as shape, size, visual location, or orientation to convey meaning. Required WCAG 1.3.3
Color See the requirements for color and contrast. Required Multiple
Visual Layout Visual Separation of Content Blocks: Blocks of content SHOULD be visually separated and distinct from each other, via margins, padding, or other methods of achieving visual "white space." Best Practice  
Label Proximity: Labels SHOULD be visually adjacent to their controls. Best Practice  
One Visual Focal Point: The layout SHOULD have only one main visual focal point. Best Practice  
Draw Attention: The design SHOULD draw attention to the intended visual focus point. Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Adaptive and Responsive Output
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Device Orientation Horizontal or Vertical Orientation: Content does not restrict its view and operation to a single display orientation, such as portrait or landscape, unless a specific display orientation is essential Required WCAG 1.3.4
(WCAG 2.1)
Adaptive/ Responsive Text See the requirements for Text Styles, Resize, Reflow, and Zoom Required Multiple
Other Adaptive/ Responsive Elements
Content that would cause scrolling in two directions (both horizontally and vertically) MUST respond to the viewport size or zoom state by resizing and/or reflowing, at viewport resolutions of up to 320px for vertically-scrolling content, and 256px for horizontally-scrolling content.
  • Images
  • Forms
  • Tables
  • Objects and Plugins
  • UI Components
  • Video
Required WCAG 1.4.10
(WCAG 2.1)
Simplification Simplified Content: Features of the content MAY be simplified, reduced in size, or eliminated when magnified or when viewed on small viewports. Best Practice  
Simplified User Interface: Features of the interface SHOULD be simplified, reduced in size, or eliminated when magnified or when viewed on small viewports. Best Practice  

Multimedia, Animations, and Motion

Accessibility Techniques for Audio and Video
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Prerecorded Audio-Only Captions: Prerecorded video-only content MUST have synchronized captions. Required WCAG 1.2.2
Transcript: All prerecorded audio MUST have a transcript of dialog, narration, and other meaningful sounds. Required WCAG 1.2.1
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Audio Control: A mechanism MUST be provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds. Required WCAG 1.4.2
Sign Language: Prerecorded audio-only content MAY include sign language interpretation. Best Practice  
Background Sounds: Background sounds in prerecorded audio-only content SHOULD be minimized (20dB lower than foreground sounds, except for occasional sounds of no more than 2 seconds) or eliminated during narration or dialog, or a method must be available to turn off background sounds. Best Practice  
Prerecorded Video-Only (and video-like animations) Alternative Text: Prerecorded video-only MUST include a text description. Required WCAG 1.2.1
Captions: Prerecorded video-only content MUST have synchronized captions. Required WCAG 1.2.2
Audio Description: Prerecorded video-only content MUST include an audio description (narrated video description) of important visual content. Required WCAG 1.2.5
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Flashing Content: A page MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
Prerecorded Multimedia Alternative Text: Prerecorded video-only MUST include a text description of important visual content that is not conveyed through the audio (this can be included in the transcript). Required WCAG 1.2.1
Transcript: Prerecorded video-only MUST have a text transcript of dialog, narration, and other meaningful sounds. Required WCAG 1.2.1
Captions: Prerecorded video-only content MUST have synchronized captions. Required WCAG 1.2.2
Audio Description: Prerecorded video-only content MUST include an audio description (narrated video description) of important visual content. Required WCAG 1.2.5
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Audio Control: A mechanism MUST be provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds. Required WCAG 1.4.2
Flashing Content: A page MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
Sign Language: Prerecorded video-only content MAY include sign language interpretation. Best Practice  
Background Sounds: Background sounds in prerecorded audio-only and prerecorded multimedia content SHOULD be minimized (20dB lower than foreground sounds, except for occasional sounds of no more than 2 seconds) or eliminated during narration or dialog, or a method must be available to turn off background sounds. Best Practice  
Live Audio-Only Audio Control: A mechanism MUST be provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds. Required WCAG 1.4.2
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Background Sounds: Background sounds in live audio-only content SHOULD be minimized (20dB lower than foreground sounds, except for occasional sounds of no more than 2 seconds) or eliminated during narration or dialog, or a method must be available to turn off background sounds. Best Practice  
Captions: Live audio-only content SHOULD have synchronized captions. Best Practice  
Live Video-Only Captions: Live video-only content MUST have synchronized captions. Required WCAG 1.2.4
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Flashing Content: Live video-only content MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
Alternative Text: Live video-only MUST include a text description. Required WCAG 1.2.1
Audio Description: Live video-only content SHOULD include an audio description (narrated video description) of important visual content. Best Practice  
Live Multimedia Captions: Live multimedia content MUST have synchronized captions. Required WCAG 1.2.4
Audio Control: A mechanism MUST be provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds. Required WCAG 1.4.2
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Background Sounds: Background sounds in live multimedia content SHOULD be minimized (20dB lower than foreground sounds, except for occasional sounds of no more than 2 seconds) or eliminated during narration or dialog, or a method must be available to turn off background sounds. Best Practice  
Flashing Content: A page MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
Audio Description: Live multimedia content SHOULD include an audio description (narrated video description) of important visual content. Best Practice  
Page Background Sounds Audio Control: A mechanism MUST be provided to stop, pause, mute, or adjust volume for audio that automatically plays on a page for more than 3 seconds. Required WCAG 1.4.2
Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
If Informative: If the background sounds contain informative content, all of the requirements for prerecorded audio-only content apply (see above). depends
Page Background Video Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Flashing Content: A page MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
See the requirements for color contrast (for text and UI elements overlayed on top of video). Required WCAG 1.4.3
If Informative: If the background video contains informative content, all of the requirements for prerecorded video-only content apply (see above). depends
Media Players

Media players themselves MUST be fully accessible (in particular to keyboard users and screen reader users). See the requirements for:

  • Media player keyboard accessibility
  • Media player screen reader accessibility
  • Captions, transcripts, audio descriptions within the media player
  • User customization options within the media player
  • See also the requirements for Forms, User Input, and Validation
  • See also the requirements for Custom Widgets (JavaScript)
Required Multiple
Accessibility Techniques for Animation, Motion, and Timed Content
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Audio and Video See the audio and video requirements. Required Multiple
Flashing Flashing: A page MUST NOT contain content that flashes more than 3 times per second unless that flashing content is sufficiently small, the flashes are of low contrast, and do not violate general flash thresholds. Required WCAG 2.3.1
Parallax Effects (backgrounds or foregrounds that move separately from each other) Keyboard-Accessible: All content and features within parallax scrolling content MUST be accessible by keyboard. Required WCAG 2.1.1
Text Color Contrast: The contrast of the text against all parts of a moving background MUST be a minimum of 4.5 to 1 for small text or 3 to 1 for large or bold text. Required WCAG 1.4.3
UI Component Color Contrast: The contrast of UI control boundaries compared to adjacent areas SHOULD be 3 to 1 to distinguish the UI control from the adjacent areas. Required WCAG 1.4.11 (WCAG 2.1)
User Control of Timing Autoplay: A method MUST be provided to pause, stop, or hide any media content that begins playing automatically and which lasts 5 seconds or more. Required WCAG 2.2.2
Time Limits: A method MUST be provided to allow users to control time limits by turning them off, adjusting them, or extending them (unless the timing is essential or if the time limit is longer than 20 hours). Required WCAG 2.2.1
Replay Option: A method SHOULD be provided to allow users to replay timed content that is finished or expired (unless replaying the content fundamentally alters its purpose or meaning). Best Practice  

User Input, Forms, and Dynamic Content

Accessibility Techniques for Device-Independent User Input
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Keyboard Focusable with Tab Key: Links, buttons, and interactive controls MUST be keyboard-focusable. Required WCAG 2.1.1
Logical Tab Order: The navigation order of focusable elements MUST be logical and intuitive. Required WCAG 2.4.3
No Positive tabindex Values: tabindex of positive values SHOULD NOT be used. Best Practice  
Visual Focus Indicator: All focusable elements MUST have a visual focus indicator when in focus. Required WCAG 2.4.7
Enhanced Visual Focus Indicator: Focusable elements SHOULD have enhanced visual focus indicator styles. Best Practice  
Color Contrast of Visual Focus Indicator: The contrast of all large visual focus indicators (at least 3px by 3px) against the background) SHOULD be at least 3 to 1. Required WCAG 1.4.11 (WCAG 2.1)
Keyboard Functionality: Functionality MUST be available using the keyboard, unless the functionality cannot be accomplished in any known way using a keyboard. Required WCAG 2.1.1
Keyboard Traps: Keyboard focus MUST NOT be locked or trapped in a particular page element and the user MUST be able to navigate to and from all navigable page elements using only a keyboard. Required WCAG 2.1.2
Keyboard Shortcuts: Page-specified shortcut keys and accesskeys MUST NOT conflict with existing keyboard shortcuts in the browser, operating system, or assistive technologies. Required WCAG 2.1.4 (WCAG 2.1)
Custom Keystroke Instructions: When custom keyboard behavior is required to use a component, keyboard instructions MUST be provided. Required WCAG 3.3.2
ARIA Widget Instructions: ARIA widgets that require more than just the Tab key to interact with may be confusing to users (even when the widgets follow the WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices), so you MAY provide keyboard instructions. Best Practice  
Keyboard Focus Management During Interactions Set Keyboard Focus: The focus MUST be purposely moved or set (via JavaScript) onto the appropriate element when the user's action requires a change of context or location for effective keyboard or touch interaction. Required WCAG 2.4.3
No Lost Focus: The focus MUST NOT become lost or reset to the top of the page, except when loading or re-loading a page. Required WCAG 2.4.3
Focus Target Has Text: When moving or setting focus, the destination element MUST contain discernible text (either standard text or programmatically-associated text). Required WCAG 1.3.1

Click Target Size: The click target size SHOULD be at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels.

Note: Allowed exceptions include the following circumstances:

  • The target is available through an equivalent control of at least 44 by 44 CSS pixels
  • The target is inline (in a sentence or block of text)
  • The target size is user-customizable
  • The smaller target size is essential to the information or functionality
Best Practice  
Visual Hover Indicator: An enhanced visual hover indicator SHOULD be provided. Best Practice  
Voice Visual Labels Match Programmatic Labels: The visual labels for links, buttons, form elements, and other controls SHOULD match the programmatic labels (to allow easy and intuitive voice commands). Required WCAG 2.5.3 (WCAG 2.1)
All the keyboard requirements above apply. Required multiple
Touch Touch Functionality: Functionality MUST be available using standard touch methods, unless the functionality cannot be accomplished in any known way using a touch device. Required WCAG 2.5.1 (WCAG 2.1)

Touch Functionality with Screen Reader Enabled: Functionality MUST be available using screen reader touch methods (e.g. single tap or double tap actions), unless the functionality cannot be accomplished in any known way using a touch device.

Note: The touch actions with the screen reader turned on are completely different from the touch actions when the screen reader is turned off.

Required WCAG 2.5.1 (WCAG 2.1)
Single pointer: Functionality MUST work with a single pointer (e.g. a single finger), unless multipoint activation is essential. Required WCAG 2.5.1 (WCAG 2.1)
Touch cancellation: Touch events MUST NOT be activated on a down event (use up events instead), to allow users to cancel, abort, or undo touch events, unless the down event is essential. Required WCAG 2.5.2 (WCAG 2.1)
Gesture-Only Functionality: Features MUST NOT depend on swipe or gesture motions as the only activation method. Required WCAG 2.5.1
(WCAG 2.1)
Motion Actuation: Features MUST NOT depend on kinetic motion of the device (e.g. shake, raise, lower, tilt). Required WCAG 2.5.4
(WCAG 2.1)
Focus Trap: Touch/gesture focus MUST NOT be locked or trapped in a particular page element and the user MUST be able to navigate to and from all navigable page elements using standard touch actions. Required WCAG 2.1.2

Touch Target Size: The click/touch target size SHOULD be at least 44x44 CSS pixels, unless at least one of the following is true:

  • There is an equivalent control on the same page that is at least 44x44 CSS pixels, OR
  • The target is inline (in a sentence or block of text), OR
  • The user agent controls the target size, OR
  • The smaller size of the target is essential to the information being conveyed.
Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Form Inputs, Labels, and Instructions
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Labels for Inputs Programmatic Labels: Labels MUST be programmatically associated with their corresponding elements. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Discernible Label Text: Labels MUST be available as programmatically-discernible text. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Meaningful Labels: Labels MUST be meaningful. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Sensory Dependencies of Labels: Labels MUST NOT rely solely on references to sensory characteristics. Required WCAG 1.3.3
Icons as Labels: Icons/graphics MAY be used as the only visual label (without visual text) only if the meaning of the icon is visually self-evident AND if there is a programmatically associated semantic label available to assistive technologies. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Placeholder Text: Placeholder text is allowed, but MUST NOT be used as the only method of providing a label for a text input. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Visible Labels: Labels MUST be visible. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Matching Programmatic Label and Visual Label: The programmatic label MUST include the same text presented in the visual label, to facilitate voice activation. Required WCAG 2.5.3
(WCAG 2.1)
Multiple Labels for One Input: When multiple labels are used for one element, each label MUST be programmatically associated with the corresponding element. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Once Label for Multiple Inputs: When one label is used for multiple elements, the label MUST be programmatically associated with each of the corresponding elements. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Visually Adjacent Labels: A label SHOULD be visually adjacent to its corresponding element. Best Practice  
Programmatically Adjacent Labels: A label SHOULD be adjacent in the DOM to its corresponding element. Best Practice  
Labels for Groups of Inputs Programmatic Group Labels: Group labels MUST be programmatically-associated with the group if the individual labels for each element in the group are insufficient on their own (e.g. a group of radio buttons that has a group label plus individual labels for each radio option). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Discernible Text in Group Labels: Group labels MUST contain programmatically-discernible text. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Meaningful Group Labels: Group labels MUST be meaningful. Required WCAG 1.3.1
Sensory Dependencies of Group Labels: Group labels MUST NOT rely solely on references to sensory characteristics. Required WCAG 1.3.3
Visible Group Labels: Group labels MUST be visible. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Matching Programmatic Label and Visual Label: The programmatic label MUST include the same text presented in the visual label, to facilitate voice activation. Required WCAG 2.5.3
(WCAG 2.1)
Visually Adjacent Group Labels: Group labels SHOULD be visually adjacent to the grouped elements. Best Practice  
Programmatically Adjacent Group Labels: Group labels SHOULD be adjacent in the DOM to the grouped elements. Best Practice  
Instructions About Inputs Programmatic Association of Input Instructions: Instructions for an element MUST be programmatically-associated with the element. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Programmatically-Discernible Text in Input Instructions: Instructions for an element MUST be available as programmatically-discernible text. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Meaningful Input Instructions: Instructions for an element MUST be meaningful. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Visible Input Instructions: Instructions for an element MUST be visible. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Sensory Dependencies of Input Instructions: Instructions for an element MUST NOT rely solely on references to sensory characteristics. Required WCAG 1.3.3
Hidden Input Instructions: If the instructions for an element are not critical, the instructions MAY be hidden until the user requests them. Best Practice  
Visually Adjacent Input Instructions: Instructions for an element SHOULD be visually adjacent to the element. Best Practice  
Programmatically Adjacent Input Instructions: Instructions for an element SHOULD be adjacent in the DOM to the element. Best Practice  
Instructions About an Entire Form, a Group, or a Section Programmatic Association of Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections SHOULD be programmatically-associated with the group. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Programmatically-Discernible Text in Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections MUST be programmatically-discernible. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Meaningful Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections MUST be meaningful. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Visible Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections MUST be visible. Required WCAG 3.3.2
Sensory Dependencies of Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections MUST NOT rely solely on references to sensory characteristics. Required WCAG 1.3.3
Hidden Form Instructions: If the instructions are not critical to understand the purpose of a group or section, the instructions MAY be hidden until the user requests them. Best Practice  
Visually Adjacent Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections SHOULD be visually adjacent to the grouped elements. Best Practice  
Programmatically-Adjacent Group Instructions: Instructions for groups or sections SHOULD be adjacent in the DOM to the grouped elements. Best Practice  
Required Fields

Programmatic Designation: Required fields SHOULD be programmatically designated as such.

Note: At a minimum, WCAG requires an informative error message about the field after the user submits the form.

Best Practice  
Visual Indicator: Required fields SHOULD have a visual indicator that the field is required. Best Practice  
Data Input Restrictions

Information About Data Input Restrictions: If a field allows only restricted input (e.g. a certain date format, only integers, no more than 4 characters, etc.), the restrictions SHOULD be communicated in the label or instructions.

Note: At a minimum, WCAG requires an informative error message about the field after the user submits the form.

Best Practice  
Disabled Fields Awareness of disabled fields: If awareness of a disabled field is essential to understanding the content, an alternative way of communicating information about the disabled field MUST be provided (because disabled fields are not in the normal tab order by default, making it difficult for screen reader users to discover them). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Time Limits

Sufficient Time. Users MUST be allowed sufficient time to complete the form, through at least one of the following methods:

  • No time limit
  • The ability to turn off the time limit
  • The ability to extend the time limit
  • The ability to adjust/customize time limit
  • A minimum of 20 hours to complete the form

Note: This requirement can be waived if the time limit is essential to the meaning or purpose of the form (e.g. a timed auction).

Required WCAG 2.2.1
Dynamic Forms See the requirements for Dynamic Content (JavaScript, AJAX) Required multiple
Custom Form Inputs (JavaScript/ARIA) See the requirements for Custom Widgets (JavaScript/ARIA) Required multiple
Accessibility Techniques for Form Validation and Feedback
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Labels and Instructions for Error Prevention

See the requirements and recommendations for Form Input, Labels, and Instructions, including:

  • Labels for inputs
  • Labels for groups of inputs
  • Instructions about inputs
  • Instructions about an entire form, a group, or a section
  • Required fields (in the full list of recommendations)
  • Data input restrictions (in the full list of recommendations)
  • Disabled fields
  • Time limits
Required multiple
Context-Sensitive Help: Context-sensitive help SHOULD be available. Best Practice  
Critical Error Prevention

Web pages that process user input for any of the following:

  • legal commitments,
  • financial transactions,
  • user-controllable data (e.g. user profile, social media posts, OR
  • test/quiz responses

MUST implement at least one of the following error prevention techniques:

  • Reversible: Submissions are reversible.
  • Checked: Data entered by the user is checked for input errors and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them.
  • Confirmed: A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the submission.
Required WCAG 3.3.4
Error Prevention (All Circumstances)

All web pages that process user input SHOULD implement at least one of the following error prevention techniques:

  • Reversible: Submissions are reversible.
  • Checked: Data entered by the user is checked for input errors and the user is provided an opportunity to correct them.
  • Confirmed: A mechanism is available for reviewing, confirming, and correcting information before finalizing the submission.
Best Practice  
Error Detection on Submit

Error Identification: If an error is automatically detected, the input with the error MUST be identified. Valid techniques include the following:

  • Add aria-invalid="true" to the input
  • Identify the input (referencing the label):
    • in a simple JavaScript alert
    • with information associated with the input via aria-describedby (widely supported) or aria-errormessage (not yet widely supported)
    • with error text added to the input's label (other techniques are more semantically correct, but this is a reliable method)
    • with text on the web page (it may be appropriate to move the keyboard focus to the error message)
    • with an aria-live or role="alert" announcement
    • with information about the error in the page <title> if the submission causes a page reload or a new page load.
Required WCAG 3.3.1
Dynamic Error Detection Visible Real-Time Error Messages: Real-time error messages MAY be scripted to show on the screen for sighted users, but attempts to announce the real-time messages to screen reader users can be problematic (see the next two rows below). It is usually acceptable to wait to announce real-time errors until after form submission, assuming that no data has been saved yet. Best Practice  
Live Announcements per Keystroke: ARIA live error messages SHOULD NOT be scripted to occur with every keystroke (to avoid overwhelming screen reader users), unless there is a delay built into the script to avoid announcements while the user is actively typing. Best Practice  
Live Announcements on Leaving a Field: ARIA live error messages SHOULD NOT be scripted to occur when a user leaves a field, because the aria-live announcement will may conflict with the screen reader's attempt to read the next element which receives focus, causing some information to be interrupted or not announced at all. Best Practice  
Error Message Characteristics Error Suggestion: If an input error is automatically detected, the item that is in error is identified and the error is described to the user in text. Required WCAG 3.3.3
Programmatically-Associated: Error feedback SHOULD be programmatically-associated with the appropriate element. Best Practice  
Meaningful Error Message: Error feedback MUST clearly and accurately describe the error and/or how to fix the error. Best Practice  
Visible Error Message: Error feedback MUST be visible. Required WCAG 3.3.3
Success Messages

Success Confirmation: The web page SHOULD confirm successful submission of data. Possible techniques include the following:

  • a simple JavaScript alert
  • with confirmation text on the web page (it may be appropriate to move the keyboard focus to the error message)
  • with an aria-live or role="alert" announcement
  • with the confirmation message in the page <title> if the submission causes a page reload or a new page load.
Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for Dynamic Content (JavaScript/AJAX)
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Context Changes Context Changes on focus: The focus MUST be purposely moved or set (via JavaScript) onto the appropriate element when the user's action requires a change of context or location for effective keyboard or touch interaction.
Context Changes on Input:
Required WCAG 3.2.2
Finding Added Content Finding Added Content: Silence is bad. When screen reader users activate a feature (link, button, control, etc.), or when an important part of the content changes, they need to hear feedback. One of the basic challenges with dynamic content is to figure out the best way to tell screen reader users about the dynamic changes. Required WCAG 1.3.2
Keyboard Focus Management During Interactions Set Keyboard Focus: The focus MUST be purposely moved or set (via JavaScript) onto the appropriate element when the user's action requires a change of context or location for effective keyboard or touch interaction. Required WCAG 2.4.3
No Lost Focus: The focus MUST NOT become lost or reset to the top of the page, except when loading or re-loading a page. Required WCAG 2.4.3
Focus Target Has Text: When moving or setting focus, the destination element MUST contain discernible text (either standard text or programmatically-associated text). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Timers Session Timeout:  
Timers with Fixed Deadlines  
Auto Refresh/Reload Page:  
Auto Refresh/Reload Content Items or Sections  
Changes in State Programmatic State Changes: When the state of an element changes (e.g. selected, expanded, inactive), the state MUST be programatically changed via HTML or ARIA attributes, not just visually changed.  
User Input and Feedback Input: See the requirements for Form Input, Labels, and Instructions  
Feedback: See the requirements for Form Validation and Feedback  
User Input Methods

See the requirements for Device-Independent User Input regarding:

  • Mouse
  • Keyboard
  • Touch
  • Voice
Required multiple
Accessibility Techniques for Custom Controls
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement

Name of Interactive UI Elements: Every interactive UI element (e.g. links, buttons, controls for custom widgets, form inputs/elements) MUST have a name, according to the accessible name computation.

Note: The name can come from the native text of the element (e.g. link text, <button> text), a value attribute (e.g. <input type="submit" value="Name goes here">), the aria-label text, the text referred to via the aria-labelledby ID value, or other attributes, such as title (depending on context).
Required WCAG 4.1.2

Name of Static Semantic Elements: The following semantic elements MUST have an accessible name, according to the accessible name computation:

  • Headings (or elements with role="heading")
  • Images (or elements with role="image")
  • Links (or elements with role="link"), via link text, aria-label (e.g. when the link contains only a background image), or aria-labelledby)
  • Frames, via the title attribute
  • Iframes, via the title attribute
Required WCAG 4.1.2

Other Semantic Elements Benefitting from a Name: Examples of other semantic elements that SHOULD have an accessible name, according to the accessible name computation include:

  • Landmarks (HTML 5 or ARIA landmarks); Names are especially helpful when there are two of the same type of landmark on the same page, such as two navigation landmarks
  • Tables (via <caption>, aria-label, or aria-labelledby)
Best Practice  
Role Role Specified: The semantic meaning of elements MUST be communicated via appropriate native HTML element or ARIA role. Required WCAG 4.1.2
HTML versus ARIA Role: When an HTML element exists, the HTML element SHOULD be used instead of the equivalent ARIA role, whenever possible. Best Practice  
Value Static ARIA Properties: Static ARIA properties (e.g. aria-valuemax), MUST be specified. Required WCAG 4.1.2

Static Non-ARIA Properties: Static non-ARIA properties MUST be specified in text (or alternative text).

Note: The static property may be included in the native text of an element, in its label, in associated text (e.g. via aria-describedby), in adjacent text, or in some other way that is available to assistive technologies.

Required WCAG 4.1.2
Initial State: The initial state of a changeable UI element MUST be programmatically designated (e.g. via ARIA attributes such as aria-expanded="false", aria-selected="true", aria-sort="ascending", etc.) Required WCAG 4.1.2
ARIA State Changes: When the visual and/or functional state of an element changes (e.g. aria-valuenow, aria-pressed, aria-expanded, aria-checked), the ARIA state MUST be change accordingly. Required WCAG 4.1.2 (WCAG 2.0)
WCAG 4.1.3 (WCAG 2.1)

Non-ARIA State Changes: If a state change cannot be communicated via a change in an ARIA attribute, when the state change is the result of a user action or request, the state change MUST be communicated to the user visually AND MUST be communicated to assistive technologies using a technique such as:

  • aria-live announcement
  • ARIA alert (inject text into a pre-existing container with role="alert")
  • Move keyboard focus to the announcement (warning: moving the focus can be disorienting, so should be used with caution)
Required WCAG 4.1.2 (WCAG 2.0)
WCAG 4.1.3 (WCAG 2.1)
Keyboard Focus Management During Interactions Set Keyboard Focus: The focus MUST be purposely moved or set (via JavaScript) onto the appropriate element when the user's action requires a change of context or location for effective keyboard or touch interaction. Required WCAG 2.4.3
No Lost Focus: The focus MUST NOT become lost or reset to the top of the page, except when loading or re-loading a page. Required WCAG 2.4.3
Focus Target Has Text: When moving or setting focus, the destination element MUST contain discernible text (either standard text or programmatically-associated text). Required WCAG 1.3.1
Keyboard Conventions See Best Practice  
Instructions Instructions for Custom Widgets: Widgets with non-standard interaction models SHOULD have instructions explaining how to use them. Best Practice  
See also the requirements for Form Input, Labels, and Instructions. Required multiple
Custom Widgets Accordion widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Accordions. Best Practice  
Alert widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Alerts. Best Practice  
Alert Dialog widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Alert Dialogs. Best Practice  
Autocomplete widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Autocomplete widgets. Best Practice  
Breadcrumb widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Breadcrumbs. Best Practice  
Button widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Buttons. Best Practice  
Button (Toggle) SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Buttons. Best Practice  
Carousel widgets (based on a Tab Panel) SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Tab Panels. Best Practice  
Checkbox widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Checkboxes. Best Practice  
Checkbox (Tri-State) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Checkboxes. Best Practice  
Combobox widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Comboboxes. Best Practice  
Dialog (Simple Modal) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Modal Dialogs. Best Practice  
Dialog (Simple Alert Modal) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Modal Dialogs. Best Practice  
Dialog (Message Modal) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Modal Dialogs. Best Practice  
Dialog (Message Alert Modal) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Modal Dialogs. Best Practice  
Disclosure (Show/Hide or Expand/Collapse) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Disclosures. Best Practice  
Disclosure (Based on Details/Summary) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Disclosures. Best Practice  
Feed widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Feeds. Best Practice  
Grid widgets (Interactive Tabular Data and Layout Containers) SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Grids. Best Practice  
Link widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Links. Best Practice  
Listbox widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for List Boxes. Best Practice  
Menu widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Menus. Best Practice  
Menubar widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Menubars. Best Practice  
Menu Button widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Menu Buttons. Best Practice  
Navigation (Hierarchical) widgets with Expand/Collapse widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Disclosures. Best Practice  
Progress Bar (Bounded) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Progress Bars. Best Practice  
Progress Bar (Unbounded) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Progress Bars. Best Practice  
Radio and Radio Group widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Radio Groups. Best Practice  
Slider widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Sliders. Best Practice  
Slider (Multi-Thumb) widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Multi-Thumb Sliders. Best Practice  
Spinbutton widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Spinbuttons. Best Practice  
Tab Panel widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Tab Panels. Best Practice  
Table widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Tables. Best Practice  
Table (Responsive, Collapsible) widgets SHOULD maintain data relationships through table structure, list hierarchy, and/or headings. Best Practice  
Table (Sortable) widgets SHOULD be constructed of a standard HTML table, if possible, and make full use of ARIA sort attributes. Best Practice  
Toolbar widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Toolbars. Best Practice  
Tooltip widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Tooltips. Best Practice  
Tooltip Dialog widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Dialogs. Best Practice  
Tree View widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Tree Views. Best Practice  
Window Splitter widgets SHOULD conform to WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices for Window Splitters. Best Practice  
Accessibility Techniques for CAPTCHA
Topic Technique WCAG AA Requirement
Text Alternatives Text alternative describing the purpose: If the CAPTCHA is not text-based (e.g. image or audio), a text alternative MUST communicate the purpose of the CAPTCHA, so that the user knows that this task must be completed before proceeding to the next step.
Note 1: Ideally the alternative text would allow non-visual users to complete the task, but at a minimum it should inform users of the purpose of the CAPTCHA.
Note 2: If there is an alternative CAPTCHA (e.g. in text elsewhere on the page, or in audio), the user SHOULD be notified that the alternative exists, by mentioning it either in the alternative text for the original CAPTCHA, or in the surrounding text.
Required WCAG 1.1.1
Text-based CAPTCHA: A method SHOULD be available in a text-based format (either as the main CAPTCHA or as an alternative) that can be converted by a screen reader to braille output.
Note: Although WCAG does not require a text-based CAPTCHA, deafblind users require a text-based method, because neither visual nor audio methods will be sufficient.
Best Practice  
Sensory Alternatives Sensory alternative: If a non-visual user cannot pass the original CAPTCHA, an alternative method MUST be provided in another sensory modality (e.g. audio). Required WCAG 1.1.1
Keyboard Accessibility User input controls in a CAPTCHA (or in an alternative representation) must meet all the keyboard functionality requirements. Required Multiple
Dynamic Content Any dynamic content in a CAPTCHA (or in an alternative method) must meet all the dynamic content (JavaScript, AJAX) requirements. Required Multiple
Custom Widgets Any custom widgets in a CAPTCHA (or in an alternative method) must meet all the custom widgets (JavaScript, ARIA) requirements. Required Multiple
Color and Contrast Any visual elements in a CAPTCHA (or in an alternative method) must meet all the color and contrast requirements. Required Multiple